Dec 15, 2014

How to Life: Some Thoughts

Just a few minutes ago, I read this article, and it really struck a chord with me. I highly recommend reading the article itself, as this is not a review of it, but simply my own ramblings about the few parts that stood out the most to me in relation to all of life, not just Christmas time.

In the article, the author, Arthur C. Brooks, states 3 practices that he suggests can help us lead good lives with a normal amount of stuff, but where we aren’t overly attached to our material possessions. First is to collect experiences, not things. When I was about 14, my dad said that for either Christmas or his birthday, he wanted us to come up with something for each of us to do with him, instead of getting him a gift. At the time, I could see how he might want that--he could buy anything he wanted, an didn't have a list. Sentimental, or something, I guessed. However, now that I look at my life, where I am right now, I can see exactly what the author, and my dad, are talking about--and I actually think it’s one of the greatest points of frustration in my life, at the moment.

I’m newly married, and, as a result, we are trying to get our house in order, so that we don’t need to think, “Oh, we need to get a _____ when we get the chance”. If we get everything essentially in order now, then we wont’ have it to worry about, because, if we’re being honest, though we could just leave things exactly as they are now, that doesn’t create the sort of environment hat we are hoping to have for the next 5 or 10 years. In the article, Brooks mentions how a couple may decide between getting a new couch, or taking a second honeymoon. Pause.

In my mind--whether it’s the way I was brought up, or what I’ve constructed for myself I cannot tell--the obvious choice is the couch. As he points out, the obvious choice is the couch. It will last longer. Also, doesn’t a ‘second honeymoon’ seem excessive; that’s not just a typical vacation. Wrong! So, so very wrong. Now, this is not suggesting that if you have an old couch with all the life taken out of it, and there’s no place to sit now, that you should instead take a lavish vacation. However, he is saying something that I still wouldn’t have thought there was a question in before today. You take the vacation. Yes, the couch may be around for many years, but, when you’re old, you’re not going to look back with fond memories of the couch! Taking the second honeymoon trip will be a means for new experience and memories that you can share and reflect on literally forever--you will always have that with you. Can’t really say the same about a couch...Not bad news to those of us who love to travel to new places, wondrous places!

Here’s where we get into the rest-of-life application. I’m finishing up my 5th and final year of college right now. It’s been a rich experience, and I’ve learned a ton--stuff I wouldn’t have been able to any other way (but that’s another story, I suppose). Despite this, I feel the weight of 5 straight years (no summers off) of college work, and, to be honest, it feels a bit restricting now. On the one hand, that’s probably good, I won’t be sorry to be done when I finally do graduate. However, I almost constantly feel the stress of doing requirements, instead of experiencing things. I feel as if I am (only very partially) full of knowledge and ideas, but am not doing anything with them--how can I when there’s only time to homework, and spend time with Todd (which there would always be more of)? Don't get me wrong here, though, I am aware of how unique an experience my education is. It's just that it is more learning than doing, see? I"m finally ready for more doing.

This article helped me realize that I’m not being stupid--feeling as if I’ve learned but not done much. No, instead, I’m searching for what I ought to be--experiences. I want to do things. Recently, I’ve thought of seeing if there wouldn’t be a way to get back into community theatre, though it appears, out here at least, everything is for children, and children that could be on Broadway, if they wanted to be. I want to take up singing lessons again. I want to teach Zumba. I want to, possibly, create a huge thesis-type blog project (if I can first get the website how I want after 1 class :) ). I want to write stories--screenplays--and to make vlogs and sketch comedy for YouTube with my dream team (Todd and Seth, obviously). I want to be like my mom, and decorate our house. I want to read, and read, and read away, at least some, of my ignorance! So many things! I just have to keep telling myself that it’ll’s not hardly helpful at all, but school’s supposed to end eventually, yes?

Okay, moving onto the second point, steer clear of excessive usefulness. This sort of feels like it goes along with the whole college thing, too, but I’ll drop that. Basically, what Brooks talks about is how we can know all manner of interesting things, or have all sorts of specialty gadgets, but we need to spend our time actually doing things, instead of just focusing on things that will help us do things. to side-step the school example, I’ll give another. Let’s say I want to make this giant blog project thing. I first need to make a website (because  want to--not because Blogger wont’ suffice). However, if I decide I need way more knowledge than I have, and more than I can understand from Googling, and take years more or classes first, then I’m sort of wasting my time. yes, I am learning, and that’s valuable, but all I’m doing is learning, and never creating anything. He points out that it’s been shown that people are happier when they make things just because they want to, rather than because they are obligated to.

Interestingly, this is a topic that Todd and I talk about on a fairly regular basis. He and I are very similar in that we both place a good amount of value on doing personal projects--singing, making videos, making board or computer games. Unfortunately, it has become very clear that almost none of our peers feel the same way. I think I ought to clarify two things here. First, of most our friends are at least somewhat creative types who like to play games, and come up with ideas for video or story, etc. Second, They have come up with ideas they themselves have said they would be interested in bringing to life. The sad part is that when we get excited, and want to get on board, or when they express great interest (talking about it, and how to go about it for hours) in one of our ideas, that’s as far as it gets.

Todd is a computer science nerd with a passion for video games (not in the traditional sense, though; he rarely agrees with the majority of ‘gamers’). Asa  result, he’d really like to get a team of friends together to make something sort of Indie, and really fun and new. However, he has actually gone through all of his friends--they either do not have the skills (i.e. Me), or, when push comes to shove, they place the value of an individual project below that of doing just their day job and watching Netflix. That sounds cold, and I’m not really trying to be. Todd and I love Netflix a lot. Furthermore, at the end of the day, or week, Todd is as tired as anyone else, and just wants a break. Regardless, he’d still like something of his own (created with friends) to think about, and to get really excited over. This article talks about that, and we’ve noticed it ourselves. Doing things just because you think they’d be fun, is incredibly valuable (and playing board games does not fall under this). What we’re talking about here are things where you must learn, and work at something. How do some many young people place the value of an unpaid, yet exciting, personal project below that of not doing much of anything in spare time?

Finally, and I suggest reading the article for the full story/explanation of this last one, prioritize Truth over worldly things. As Brooks puts it, get to the center of the wheel. For me, this would be of religious nature--keeping Christ at the center. However, this can also include (for me) any part of spirituality. Look for those things that you know are true and good, unmoving, and unswayed by time and popular political opinion. If you keep these things as your center, then you will always have a stable point with which to look at everything else against. Without such, there is not much to hold onto. I think one of the best ways to find this for yourself is to start pondering yourself, who you are, where you come from, and where you want to go, what you want to be like. Decide now what’s most important to you, instead of waiting for ultimatums, or for your life to be spiraling around, because you did not have anything in the center of it all to hold it down.

Alright. That was way longer than I anticipated. Read the article; it’s wonderful. Those are my two cents, or several dollars worth, I suppose.

Dec 9, 2014

Playing Barbies

I had a strange realization today. When I was little, my favourite toys were Barbies dolls. I loved to decide the type of person my barbie was, or to have some end goal with little goals along the way--a story progression. As I got older, I played less, but the stories were generally more complex, more 'scripted' (anyone who played with me may tell you). As I hit my tween years, I played less often, but still thought a lot about stories I could do, and would take out the barbies to have them play out. I think I was 13 when I really stopped playing. When I tried, I often made it so elaborate, that, by the time I got all the 'sets' in place, I was over it. By 14, I was done with it--I was ready for slightly more grown up things, like video games--the Sims to be exact.

That's right, folks! A game where you choose how you want your person to be, then create their story as you go. I literally transitioned seamlessly from barbies to digital barbies.....and have never stopped.

As I've been writing up this little story, I've been thinking about why that is, what it can mean, and if there's a productive way to use this realization. I think there are some interesting things to be said, and some potentially useful things to do with it.

First, am am driven by plot, even in my own life. I want to decide where to go, so I can set up goals/things that need to be done, and get to that end point (not the end of my life...just reaching the goal). Not super useful, but interesting.

Second--wow. Here I am, shy and introverted, thinking that I don't like people. In all fairness, I love those I love. I keep them very close, and think of them often, and want to hang out with them, and help them in any way they could use. However, everyone else...nope. How is this productive or useful? Well, if my play is any indicator, I love to love people, and I want to know about them. It just has to happen over a series of events, etc.

Third--and I think I shall stop my list here--I notice people I start to care for. I revel in their individuality. How neat can people be? I love to know what sets them apart, and understand what drives them.

Conclusion? If I can have this much passion about people, and such a strong, driving interest in telling the stories of people--not just the stories--then I may have a better idea of how to approach my writing, as well as what works best for me. I've always thought that I needed to come up with the stories, because, what do I know of people? Well, it turns out, that is actually what I gravitate towards--interesting characters.

I'm filled with happiness (sounds lame, but it's true) when I see a film where I can feel the love the screenwriters have for their characters, and the care with which they told their story. Plot is vital...but I'm alright with just seeing the people. In the last year, there have been several films that were more character-centric that I really enjoyed, or there were characters where I walked out say, "I would literally watch a film of just them being them".

This gives me some confidence--I've always wondered how to bring characters to life. I've written a couple stories where I love the characters, but can I do it more constantly? I hope so. I think so. They're like everyone else--get to know them, and you can see what makes them so wonderful and lovely. It's just like playing barbies.

On Spirituality

    I think there are three kinds (who knows, maybe more) of spirituality. The first is obvious--practicing your religion, and growing closer to God. Personally, I’ve not been doing super hot at this one recently. Consistent scripture study, and personal prayer, seem like they’ll never be where they were when I was 17 (what I consider my ‘peak’), and I’m enjoying connecting, laughing, and spending time with my husband to want to stop what we’re doing, much of the time. It’s something to work on, to be sure.

The second is the spirituality of self, or what I refer to as being/feeling “centered”. This was something I strove for with such intensity as a 17 year old, that I didn’t want to be too bubbly/excitable (and I, naturally, am quite excitable and passionate), or be bothered by anyone other than my family, on occasion. Books and thoughts, and writing. That’s not necessary for me now, but I think being centered is a huge thing--one we really ought to focus on more. See, something we sometimes talk about in Gospel settings is that in losing yourself, you find yourself. I think that’s true. When you aren’t just focused on you, and are, instead, looking to serve others (whether it’s as simple as tidying up and getting things sorted before your spouse, or putting together Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child, or even going out of your way to help a friend), you practice being a more selfless, more caring, empathetic version of yourself. You find the better part of you. However, in losing yourself to other things, or maybe too much of giving to others and never getting anything back to replenish you, you may lose touch with yourself.

That happened to me upon going to college. Only recently, being settled with someone I love, have I been gaining back my passion for my goals, and my creative spirit. However, it has only been this semester, through taking Dean’s 477 Autobiographical class, that I have come back into myself. I’m more centered. This does not entail being self-centered and narcissistic, but, rather, always aware of your connections--to others, to your own life and where you’re headed, to the world. That sounds like a lot to balance, but I find it allows one to really recognize themselves, and see themselves clearer. It’s a lot to think about, but that only creates more room for ideas, stories, and ways to improve yourself.

The third, and final kind of spirituality I noticed in just recently; I’ve been growing more sensitive to it, and now I can grasp it. The third kind of spirituality is of truth and sincerity. It’s a huge thing! This includes filmmakers and writers, creating characters who are fashioned into people that we love, and care for. It includes the natural goodness of things--objects, nature, simple, tiny, yet profoundly important vignettes in life. It includes people’s earnestness (with kindness) in their opinions or choices, based off of them thinking things through and coming to what they consider to be the most correct conclusions. This third spirituality includes the other two spiritualities as well--all things that are good, and wholesome, that are the created from that most honest place we all have in our hearts that causes us to want to strive for personal perfection.

Recently, the first has been a little harder to balance. The second, I am only now coming back into, and having to try and find a place for it in myself and my life, now that I’m so a few years older, and in in an entirely different place. The third is the one I think I need to see more of now that I’ve recognized it. It’s the one that’s everywhere. You don’t have to do much to notice it, but if you really let it in, it will aide you in getting the others sorted rightly, too.

Jun 12, 2014

I Must Speak Out

 I want to start out this post saying that this is the type of thing I never wanted to put up on the internet, but I feel morally obligated to say my piece. I seriously hope that friends, and colleagues, and classmates with opposing views can accept my traditional standpoint, and we can continue as we are.
 Today, I saw this post being passed around. Those passing it around are people I respect, admire, and enjoy being around. I'm still going to appreciate them--passing that article around won't change that. In fact, other things I don't necessarily agree with have been discussed by various groups on Facebook, too, and my opinion of them is still high. (The point is, even with this response, I don't dislike those with opposing views) However, because this, as well as many other concerning things have been posted the last year, I felt I could no longer remain a quiet entity. I feel it is wrong to say nothing.

  If this woman is excommunicated, I will not be upset. I would never, ever, ever wish for someone's forever family to be taken from them--family is the most important thing, and I wish everyone all the same joys in that regard that I wish for myself. However, if this woman intends to continue seeking to distract from the Truths the we, as Latter-Day Saints, believe, then that's her choice.
  Here's the thing, if she believes this is God's true church on the earth today, then she surely sustains our Prophet, First Presidency, and the 12--as mouthpieces for the Lord. Yes? Okay, so since when has protesting gotten the Lord to say, "You know what, okay, I was wrong, we'll do things your way."? This isn't a matter of religious politics where the First Presidency is simply denying something that is 'right' just because they are uncomfortable with it. Goodness! We obey GOD'S word. God has spoken through his prophet on the earth today, and he has said that this is not right.
  Men and women were created with equally important roles. Distinct, but equal. I'm assuming that she had been to the temple. There, if it wasn't clear from the scriptures and Sunday School lessons, it is obviously layed out that men and women have different Divine callings--and then they work together to help each other reach their potential in those areas. That is how God's plan works.

 Aside from that post, I have been a bit surprised at the number of BYU students who post things in favour of gay marriage, sometimes frowning upon the Church for not 'accepting'. As a theatre kid in high school, I met and associated with, and was friends with many gay people. All of those whom I met were wonderful, talented, nice people. I still think they are great! I agree, that we ought to be more kind towards those different from us. There is no needs for malicious or condescending behavior. That's ridiculous and un-Christlike. Other than that, I don't want to get too deep into this subject.
 However, the posts I've seen in support are generally pretty hateful. This is supremely irritating to me. Supremely. Those posting such things: You are at a Church school, based on the fact that you say that you believe in the Doctrine, and have a testimony. Your education is extremely cheap because Church members pay tithing that covers your bills; for a fantastic education. If you are posting things about how bad you think the Church is, or about how we need to support things we have been told are not in line with the Gospel, you need to stop and pick a side. Do you believe in our religion--trusting God and His prophet, or do you think somehow this is all political and that the Church is somehow just being stingy? If it's the latter, then leave so someone else who desperately wants to can attend BYU. Lying so you can keep the good life, and turn around and put all your support behind things the Church doesn't condone is wrong.
 I think the problem here is people looking at popular social issues, and then seeing how the Church lines up with them, when they need to do the opposite--use the Gospel as your guide, then look and see how social issues feel.

 Okay. There it is. As I stated earlier, I felt I needed to do this, and not sit by passively. However, this is not meant to be a declaration against those with opposing views (despite some strong wording), but instead, it is meant to suggest people evaluate their stances, and how that fits into what they proclaim to believe. After all, wouldn't we all be better off evaluating ourselves, and seeing how well we are doing at being representatives of Jesus Christ?

Jan 9, 2014

MineCraft Newlyweds Would Have It Made

 I had a little bit of a realization driving home today, and I think it’s interesting, or at least silly enough, to bother writing down.

     Playing Minecraft is like being a newlywed (granted we’re just moved into our new place, or rather, I am--but we will be in a month!).

    I know, I know--you could say that’s simple because with both you start something new with less, but hear me out. I’ll lay it out in easily comparable steps:

1.) In Minecraft, one of the first things that you want to do is to find shelter. This isn’t a random act--you definitely don’t want to be somewhere huge and open, or overly crowded where monsters could spawn. Also, you don’t want to necessarily just run far away from Spawn only to die and lose where you were living.
    The parallel? When looking for married housing, you want to make sure you aren’t in a bad location. For us, we really, really wanted to not be on one of the two busiest roads (as we had been before). Too many people, too much waiting or running to get to your destination. Then there’s the other part--specific location. It was nigh unimaginably difficult to find a place that was close to campus (we did get lucky in the end, though, thankfully)--and, really, it would not have been a very pleasant situation to have to ‘run’ so far away from school, our campus jobs, and all our friends.
2.) One of the first things you want to get in Minecraft is light--torches. This keeps away monsters...and allows you to work during the night so that you can actually get settled.
    Similarly, before we moved in, Todd had to make sure we had power (though apparently the girl on the phone didn’t inspire confidence that things were taken care of)...otherwise we wouldn’t be able to do much of anything. Okay, so that one was a no-brainer.
3.) To prevent death in Minecraft, one needs to find a source of food, whether that be plant or animal, and within the first couple of days.
    Like any Minecraft player, we had to get food within the first day as well. Not only had we eaten though a lot of food before leaving for the break, but then our fridge items got left at Todd’s parents house. Mostly the butter. It’s been alright, but it did mean we had to scout out food before Sunday.
4.) Next, in game, you need to make some real (not your fist or wooden tools) tools for yourself so you can actually make stuff to use. This can range from weapons to armour, and stairs, fences to pen in animals--you get the idea.
    On our drive back here, we picked up a couch. We don’t have chairs or a table or...really anything besides a TV, bed set, and desk. So, basically, without a couch, there’s no where to sit to eat, do homework, or relax, or chat--nothing.
5.) Congratulations! In Minecraft, you’ve now become settled enough to not fear death at every turn, and can now start building up your home.
    Slightly less congratulations in real life though. We have been very blessed to have what we have ended up with, but we do still have no place to put half our clothes, no table, a mess of boxes still packed, and we are far from  homey feeling retreat--the list of to-dos here is larger than I like to think about. HOWEVER, like in game, we are finally settled enough to tart building up our place and doing more than just set things up (almost).

    Moral?: The Minecraft newlywed situation would be shorter and easier. :)