May 1, 2012

Zumba--it's a dance party!

   I've been meaning to blog about this for several months now. Brilliant. Anyway...
So, my freshman year of college, I bought a bracelet that allowed me to attend Zumba classes (and others, but I mostly did Zumba) in the evening. For about a month, I was really good and went a couple of times a week, however, after that, I stopped going. Since the bracelet only gave me access for 1 semester, I went Zumba-less for nearly a year. Fall semester of my sophomore year, I enrolled in a Zumba class (for credit). There, I was bitten with the Zumba bug. Some days, I really hated that I had to exercise (the grades were solely based upon attendance. However, I actually memorized the choreography to several songs we did and would do them in me flat on days when I didn't have the class. Over Christmas break, I went Zumba crazy. It was pretty much the only productive thing I did. I would dance for a couple of hours--it was great! This past Winter semester, I bought another bracelet, went once, but then ended up Zumba-ing on my own. There are so many routines online, so you can choose which songs you feel like doing.
   I love the results I've seen. Dancing definitely increases full-body coordination, and I have shaped up quite a bit!


Post Zumba:

   To anyone curious about Zumba--try it. It's loads of fun. If you don't know too much about it, then check out this video. This is currently my favourite routine to do, so I thought I'd film it for those who want to know what Zumba is all about.

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