I have always loved to visit historical sites. My family and I have been fortunate enough to be able to visit several U. S. historic sites. Although I am extremely grateful to have been born when and where I was, the 16-1700s have always fascinated me. Despite the pretty terrible conditions then (if you were not upper class), there is a part of me that would really like to at least go back in time to visit for a bit. Something I find incredibly interesting is how other people live, or, even more interesting, how people lived. I find the more hand-made-, or rougher, objects of the time to be quite intriguing, especially because nearly everything--at least in North America--today meant for everyday use is factory-made. Also, the general appearance of buildings that were in the towns during those times are exceedingly charming, for the record, and the not-so-nice homes are interesting to see because the occupants way of life is so vastly different than it is for Americans today. Though life back then was certainly harder, in other ways it had benefits. For example: people tended to be a bit more productive because they were not glued to computer screens; this could lead to less understanding of the bad things in the world, or cause them to search out answers for themselves instead of Googling them. Now, I am not in any way condemning the internet. I love the internet, and I love Google, and definitely use it on a daily bases to look things up. However, I am saying that there was a simplicity to life (though everyday activities were, in many cases, more complicated) that I admire. It is not a lack of entertaining things to do that strikes me so much, but rather the lack of things to do that essentially waste time and clutter lives. Although you might disagree with me upon seeing the amount of things I have managed to fit into my apartment, I actually really love the idea of having very few possessions (in fact, a few years ago, I threw out a lot of stuff just because I didn’t have a really need for it and therefore didn’t want it cluttering up life). In today’s world, I think that this idea would be very difficult to put into effect. See, there are so many different things people own because they need them for a plethora of occasions. We have loads of clothing, make up and hair products, electronics, pictures, home decor, and accessories (or other miscellaneous possessions).
In regards to clothing, we have work clothes, everyday clothes, nicer everyday clothes, formal/business clothes, and, of course, Sunday best. All of these clothing types are necessary, and it is necessary to have more than one outfit for each occasion. This is partly because this idea is etched in our society, however, we also have very high standards of cleanthliness (for which I am eternally grateful), which require us to wear fresh clothing--resulting in us washing our clothes often, which fades and wears the material. Okay, so that was a really long tangent about clothing, yeah? Getting back on track now: wouldn’t it be kind of nice if we had a handful of outfits that consisted largely of simple items? Fashion wouldn’t be such a big deal; instead, we could wear one of the few outfits we really liked each day.
Moving onto make up and hair products--I am not going to lie, I like to use these products daily. However, I do think that there is a definite simplicity in not having to put on make up everyday to feel pretty. How nice would it be to just get some sun on your face and not have to worry about anything else (alright, so maybe a bit of eyeliner, mascara and lipstick)? The same thing goes for hair. My hair, being so fine, it doesn’t really look great if I don’t do anything to it--I do imagine that it would be easier though if no one bothered with hair styling too much. I would like to point out however that I am in no one recommending that we stop showering on a daily bases and such. Not even a little bit.
Technology is amazing, it truly is. Obviously I am a fan of it as well--I am planning on majoring in Media Arts (film), I love movies, the internet, and my electronics. Honestly, when I am bored, I spend the majority of my time on YouTube. Furthermore, I--like nearly every other human being--have a Facebook, I also have a YouTube account, Twitter account, Pinterest account, and other accounts. The thing is, none of these sites are bad. In fact, they all serve a purpose and can inspire (I’m not thinking about Facebook when I say that), and connect us. The thing is, though these sites are entertaining and such, wouldn’t it be neat if we didn’t have all these accounts we checked every day? I am not saying we should stop checking every day to simplify our lives (though moderation is something that should be in place), I am simply musing about what life would be like if we lived in the present, tangible world only and not cyberspace. Also, without electronics (computers, iPods, etc.), we would certainly have less possessions that were were greatly attached to because of their importance or dollar value.
Growing up in my house, home decorating and improvement is just a way of life. In fact, I redo homes in my mind on a fairly regular basis. As a result of my mom having such a talent for decorating, and watching design shows so regularly, I absolutely have an appreciation for home design. Now back to my thoughts: if we didn’t worry about design, if we just kept things tidy, but kept it very simple, wouldn’t we--like with the electronics--become less attached to material possessions? I feel that the fewer possessions trouble ourselves with, the less likely we are to be so tied down to one living area; also, we wouldn’t have a need to feel burdened with watching out for so many items because there wouldn’t be so many to concern ourselves with. There are also other things that could probably fit into other categories, but those were the ones that came to my mind.
“But Lindsay! Pirates have possessions!”, (Yes, this post is still tying into the pirates thing) to which I reply “‘But’ is an improper way to begin a sentence, and yes, pirates do have possessions”. However, because pirates are not the most stationary of fellows, they don’t tend to have a lot of material baggage with them. I find this incredibly fascinated, and admittedly, I glamorize this fact. How very simple it would be if there were a few, small yet precious items that we owed that we could just carry about our person all the time. No suitcases, just a few items that we really value, that have personal value, or that we simply enjoy. Being a pirate, that probably means that these items are ‘shiny’, but, hey, who doesn’t like shiny items? Do you see how this way of life could be happy because of its simplicity? More time to ponder on greater things (and, I suppose, travel the world) and less stress over keeping all of our things together.
Alright, I am almost done--I promise. I am absolutely not suggesting that we all revert back to harsh times and throw our the amazing advances that we are able to enjoy today. The purpose of this post, I guess, was to write out some thoughts that I have had for a while. Though the majority of this did not focus on pirates specifically, I chose to use them as my example because I imagine that seeing the world would be quite an eye-opening experience. Pairing that with the simplicity of life that I wrote a novel about, you pretty much have a pirate’s life, yes? I am truly happy with the era I live in, and definitely appreciate the benefits that come with living during this time--if I weren’t born in this time, I have no idea what I would want to do with the rest of my life (in job terms). One last thought: pirates also get to use swords. Swords are cool--I really fancy them and would be pleased if I were able to become skilled in swordsmanship. Not to kill, of course, but to defend my life, liberty, religion...okay, that’s enough.
If you seriously read this would thing, go get some ice cream or something; you deserve it.