Nov 28, 2010


Before leaving for school, I was pretty set in my mind about what I liked or didn't like. I was also pretty positive that those preferences would never change, however, looking back at the last 3 months, I have changed opinions, on minor things, quite a bit. I'll just give a few examples:
Before, I avoided vegetables as much as possible, now, I eat as many vegetables as possible and get excited about eating them.
Before, I was very particular about the way I slept: hard pillow, with another on my left, sleeping on my side, now, the hard pillow is all but ignored and I sleep on my stomach on the fluffy pillow.
Before, I scoffed at the thought of getting up early for homework, I'd have much rather have done it into the night, now, I prefer to just get to bed and wake up, if necessary, early to do homework.
Change is inevitable, even if it's only small things. As few as 5 months ago, I would have laughed if someone had told me that the examples I listed were soon going to be my preferences. I suppose it just goes to show you that you can never be 100% sure, despite what you think, that your preferences will always remain the same.

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